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Apologies if the formatting is off, my computer is being weird.

Right now the story feels somewhat disjointed. The extremely fast introduction goes right into the initial puzzle, then there's the somewhat arbitrary group conflict, and then things go to the rules explanation. There's not a lot of time to go into who the characters are or why the audience is supposed to care for them. Based on the plot points so far, I get the sense that there's a plot reason why the intro was so short, but as is, the cast is somewhat indistinguishable from each other. 

Gameplay wise, the sprites are well done, but the assets have a serious clash between fantasy and technology themes. There's a castle, but with robots, office rooms, air conditioning and machinery? If this is purposeful, it could make for a neat story hook, but it needs to be woven into the story in some way. As is, there's a very "default asset" vibe to the graphics.

I know I've being critical, but there's definitely potential here. The concept of everyone already knowing each other gives some interesting room to work with, and the puzzles were engaging, if a bit finicky. While I never found myself frustrated with the game, I also never found myself really engrossed so far. There's not really anything specific that's "missing" and the game isn't bad by any means, but it needs something extra to stand out from the crowd. But I think with some further refinement, this could turn into something special.

Wishing you the best of luck!

I think the formatting is fine; Thank you for your criticism! I sincerely appreciate it!

I'm glad at least there were no glitches/bugs in your playthrough! 


Really nice demo!! Super excited to see where it goes ^_^

Thank you!